Podcast interview all about software security, touching on: artificial intelligence, cryptography, PKI, development, trust in AI, automation, triaging, transparency and knowledge sharing, and future speculation. Thanks to host James McQuiggan & Roger Grimes!
Ted Harrington hosted for a great conversation about the proactive side of software security, how my book can help everyone move left, and why that’s important.
On Chris Romeo’s Application Security Podcast we talked about the book, (security design reviews in particular), and the impossible question of what I would do as the one thing to improve software security. We also reminisce about creating STRIDE and digital certificates.
Q&A about the book Designing Secure Software: https://nostarch.com/blog/redesigning-security-living-legend-loren-kohnfelder
Rethink Security interview, speculative thoughts on future directions of security: A Conversation With Loren Kohnfelder.
You can find some of my other writing over a wide range of topics on Medium.