Designing Secure Software by Loren Kohnfelder (all rights reserved) |
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In memory of robin.
Dedicated to all the software professionals who keep the digital world afloat, working to improve security one day at a time. Their greatest successes are those rare boring days when nothing bad happens.
Foreward by Adam Shostack
In 2006, I joined Microsoft, and was handed responsibility for how we threat modeled across all our products and services. The main approach we used was based on Loren’s STRIDE work. STRIDE is a mnemonic to help us consider the threats of Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, and Elevation of privilege. It has become a key building block for me. (It’s so central that I regularly need to correct people who think I invented STRIDE.) In fact, when I read this book, I was delighted to find that Loren calls on my Four Questions Framework much the way I call on STRIDE. The Framework is a way of approaching problems by asking what we are working on, what can go wrong, what we are going to do about those things, and whether we did a good job. Many of the lessons in this book suggest that Loren and I have collaborated even though we never worked directly together.
Today, the world is changing. Security flaws have become front page news. Your customers expect better security than ever before, and push those demands by including security in their evaluation criteria, drafting contract clauses, putting pressure on salespeople and executives, and pressing for new laws. Now is a great time to bring better security design into your software, from conception to coding. This book is about that difficult subject: how to design software that is secure.
The subject is difficult because of two main challenges. The first challenge, that security and trust are both natural and nuanced, is the subject of Chapter 1, so I won’t say more about it. The second is that software professionals often hope that software won’t require design. Software seems infinitely malleable, unlike the products of other engineering disciplines. In those other disciplines, we build models and prototypes before we bend steel, pour concrete, or photo-etch silicon. And in contrast, we build code, refine it, and then release it to the world, rather than following the famous advice of Fred Brooks: you’re going to throw away the first system you build, so you might as well plan to treat it as a prototype. The stories we tell of the evolution of software rarely linger on our fruitless meanderings. We like to dismiss the many lightbulbs that didn’t work and talk instead about how the right design just happened to come to us. Sometimes, we even believe it. Even in writing this, I am aware of a risk that you will think me—or worse, Loren—to be an advocate of design for its own sake. And that I bother to disclaim it brings me to another challenge that this book ably takes on: offering practical advice about the design of software.
This is a book for a group of people who are too rarely respectfully and compassionately addressed: technical professionals new to security. Welcome to this part of the profession. As you’ll discover in these paged, the choices you make about the systems you work on can impact security. But you don’t need to become a security expert to make better choices. This book will take you far. Some of you will want to go further, and there’s plenty of material out there for you to read. Others will do well simply by applying what you learn here.
Adam Shostack
President, Shostack + Associates
Author: Threat Modeling: Designing for Security (Wiley, 2014)
Affiliate Professor, University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
If you cannot—in the long run—tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing has been worthless. —Erwin Schrödinger
Join me on a hike through the software security landscape.
My favorite hike begins in a rainforest, near the top of the island of Kaua’i, which is often shrouded in misty rain. The trail climbs moderately at first, then descends along the contour of the sloping terrain, in places steep and treacherously slippery after frequent rains. Further down, passing through valleys choked with invasive ginger or overgrown by thorny lantana bushes, it gets seriously muddy, and the less dedicated turn and head back. A couple of miles out, the trees thin out as the environment gradually warms, becoming arid with the lower elevation. Further on, the first long views of the surrounding Pacific begin to open up, as reminders of the promise the trail offers.
In my experience, many software professionals find security daunting at first: shrouded in mist, even vaguely treacherous. This is not without good reason. If the act of programming corresponded to a physical environment, this would be it.
The last mile of the trail runs through terrain made perilous by the loose volcanic rock that, due to the island’s geologically tender age of five million years, hasn’t had time to turn into soil. Code is as hard and unforgiving as rock, yet so fragile that one small flaw can lead to a disaster, just as one misstep on the trail could here. Fortunately, the hiking trail’s path along the ridge has been well chosen, with natural handholds on the steepest section: sturdy basalt outcroppings, or the exposed, solid roots of ohia trees.
Approaching the end of the trail, you’ll find yourself walking along the rim of a deep gorge, the loose ground underfoot almost like ball bearings. To your right, a precipice drops over 2,000 feet. In places, the trail is shoulder width. I’ve seen acrophobic hikers turn around at this point, unable to summon the confidence to proceed. Yet most people are comfortable here, because the trail is slightly inclined away from the dangerous side. To the left, the risk is minimal; you face the same challenging footing, but on a gentle slope, so at worst you might slide a few feet. I thought about this trail often as I wrote this book and have endeavored to provide just such a path, using stories and analogies like this one to tackle the toughest subjects in a way that I hope will help you get to the good stuff.
Security is challenging for a number of reasons: it’s abstract, the subject is vast, and software today is both fragile and extremely complex. How can one explain the intricacies of security in enough depth to connect with readers, without overwhelming them with too much information? This book confronts those challenges in the spirit of hikers on that trail at the rim of the gorge: by leaning away from the danger of trying to cover everything. In the interest of not losing readers, I err on the side of simplification, leaving out some of the smaller details. By doing so, I hope to avoid readers metaphorically falling into the gorge—that is, getting so confused or frustrated that you give up. The book should instead serve as a springboard, sparking your interest in continued exploration of software security practices.
As you approach the end of the trail, the ridge widens out and becomes flat, easy walking. Rounding the last curve, you’re treated to a stunning 300-degree view of the fabled Na Pali coast. To the right is a verdant hanging valley, steeply carved from the mountain. A waterfall feeds the meandering river visible almost directly below. The intricate coastline extends into the distance, flanked by neighboring islands on the horizon to the west. The rewards of visiting this place never get old. After drinking in the experience, a good workout awaits as you start the climb back up.
Just as I’ll never get to see every inch of this island, I won’t learn everything there is to know about software security, and of course, no book will ever cover this broad topic completely, either. What I do have, as my guide, is my own experience. Each of us charts our own unique path through this topic, and I’ve been fortunate to have been doing this work for a long time. I’ve witnessed firsthand some key developments and followed the evolution of both the technologies and the culture of software development since its early days.
The purpose of this book is to show you the lay of the security land, with some words of warning about some of the hazards of the trail so you can begin confidently exploring further on your own. When it comes to security, cut-and-dried guidance that works in all circumstances is rare. Instead, my aim is to show you some simple examples from the landscape to kick-start your interest and deepen your understanding of the core concepts. For every topic this book covers, there is always much more to say. Solving real-world security challenges always requires more context in order to better assess possible solutions; the best decisions are grounded in a solid understanding of the specifics of the design, implementation details, and more. As you grasp the underlying ideas and begin working with them, with practice it becomes intuitive. And fortunately, even small improvements over time make the effort worthwhile.
When I look back on my work with the security teams at major software companies, a lost opportunity always strikes me. Working at a large and profitable corporation has many benefits: along with on-site massage and sumptuous cafes come on-tap security specialists (like myself) and a design review process. Yet few other software development efforts enjoy the benefits of this level of security expertise and a process that integrates security from the design phase. This book seeks to empower the software community to make this standard practice.
With myriad concerns to balance, designers have their hands full. The good ones are certainly aware of security considerations, but they rarely get a security design review. (And none of my industry acquaintances have even heard of the service being offered by consultants.) Developers also have varying degrees of security knowledge, and unless they pursue it as a specialty, their knowledge is often at best piecemeal. Some companies do care enough about security to hire expert consultants, but this invariably happens late in the process, so they’re working after the fact to shore up security ahead of release. Bolting on security at the end has become the industry’s standard strategy—the opposite of baking in security.
Over the years, I have tried to gently spread the word about security among my colleagues. Invariably, one quickly sees that certain people get it; others, not so much. Why people respond so differently is a mystery, possibly more psychological than technological, but it does raise an interesting question. What does it mean to “get” security, and how do you teach it? I don’t mean world-class knowledge, or even mastery, but a sufficient grasp of the basics to be aware of the challenges and how to make incremental improvements. From that point, software professionals can continue their research to fill in any gaps. That’s the objective that this book endeavors to deliver.
Throughout the process of writing this book, my understanding of the challenge this work entailed has grown considerably. At first, I was surprised that a book like this didn’t already exist; now I think I know why. Security concepts are frequently counterintuitive; attacks are often devious and nonobvious, and software design itself is already highly abstract. Software today is so rich and diverse that securing it represents a daunting challenge. Software security remains an unsolved problem, but we do understand large parts of it, and we’re getting better at it—if only it weren’t such a fast-moving target! I certainly don’t have perfect answers for everything. All of the easy answers to security challenges are already built into our software platforms, so it’s the hard problems that remain. This book strategically emphasizes concepts and the development of a security mindset. It invites more people to contribute to security, to bring a greater diversity of fresh perspectives and more consistent security focus.
I hope you will join me on this personal tour of my favorite paths through the security landscape, in which I share with you the most interesting insights and effective methodologies that I have to offer. If this book convinces you of the value of baking security into software from the design phase, of considering security throughout the process, and of going beyond what I can offer here, then it will have succeeded.
Knowledge is in the end based on acknowledgement. —Ludwig Wittgenstein
I wrote this book with appreciation of the many colleagues in academia and
industry from whom I have learned so much. Security work can be remark- ably thankless—successes are often invisible, while failures get intense scru- tiny—and it’s extremely heartening that so many great people devote their
considerable talents and effort to the cause. Publishing with No Starch Press was my best choice to make this book the best it can be. Without exception, everyone was great to work with and infinitely patient handling my endless questions and suggestions. I would like to thank the early readers of the manuscript for their valuable feedback: Adam Shostack, Elisa Heymann, Joel Scambray, John
Camilleri, John Goben, Jonathan Lundell, and Tony Cargile. Adam’s sup- port has been above and beyond, leading to a wide range of other discus- sions, putting in the good word for me with No Starch Press, and capped
off by his generous contribution of the foreword. It would have been interesting to record all the errors corrected in the process of writing this book, and it certainly has been a great lesson in humility. I thank everyone for their sharp eyes, and take responsibility for what errors may have made it through. Please refer to the online errata at for the latest corrections.
I have benefited from great support from others outside the tech sphere as well, and a few deserve special mention with my appreciation: Rosemary Brisco, for marketing advice; Lisa Steres, PhD, for unwavering enthusiasm and enduring interest in this project.
Finally, arigatou to my wife, Keiko, for her boundless support through- out this project.
Two central themes run through this book: encouraging software professionals to focus on security early in the software construction process, and involving the entire team in the process of—as well as the responsibility for—security. There is certainly plenty of room for improvement in both of these areas, and this book shows how to realize these goals.
I have had the unique opportunity of working on the front lines of software security over the course of my career, and now I would like to share my learnings as broadly as possible. Over 20 years ago, I was part of the team at Microsoft that first applied threat modeling at scale across a large software company. Years later, at Google, I participated in an evolution of the same fundamental practice, and experienced a whole new way of approaching the challenge. Part 2 of this book is informed by my having performed well over a hundred design reviews. Looking back on how far we have come provides me with a great perspective with which to explain it all anew.
Designing, building, and operating software systems is an inherently risky undertaking. Every choice, every step of the way, nudges the risk of introducing a security vulnerability either up or down. This book covers what I know best, learned from personal experience. I convey the security mindset from first principles and show how to bake in security throughout the development process. Along the way I provide examples of design and code, largely independent of specific technologies so as to be as broadly applicable as possible. The text is peppered with numerous stories, analogies, and examples to add spice and communicate abstract ideas as effectively as possible.
The security mindset comes more easily to some people than others, so I have focused on building that intuition, to help you think in new ways that will facilitate a software security perspective in your work. And I should add that in my own experience, even for those of us to whom it comes easily, there are always more insights to gain.
This is a concise book that covers a lot of ground, and in writing it, I have come to see this as essential to what success it may achieve. Software security is a field of intimidating breadth and depth, so keeping the book shorter will, I hope, make it more broadly approachable. My aim is to get you thinking about security in new ways, and to make it easy for you to apply this new perspective in your own work.
Who Should Read This Book?
This book is for anyone already proficient in some facet of software design and development, including architects, UX/UI designers, program managers, software engineers, programmers, testers, and management. Tech professionals should have no trouble following the conceptual material so long as they understand the basics of how software works and how it’s constructed. Software is used so pervasively and is of such great diversity that I won’t say that all of it needs security; however, most of it likely does, and certainly any that connects to the internet or interfaces significantly with people.
In writing the book, I found it useful to consider three classes of prospective readers, and would like to offer a few words here to each of these camps.
Security newbies, especially those intimidated by security, are the primary audience I am writing for, because it’s important that everyone working in software understand security so they can contribute to improving it. To make more secure software in the future we need everyone involved, and I hope this book will help those just starting to learn about security to quickly get up to speed.
Security-aware readers are those with interest in but limited knowledge of security, who are seeking to round out and deepen their understanding and also learn more practical ways of applying these skills to their work. I wrote this book to fill in the gaps, and provide plenty of ways you can immediately put what you learn here into practice.
Security experts (you know who you are) round out the field. They may be familiar with much of the material, but I believe this book provides some new perspectives and still has much to offer them. Namely, the book includes discussions of important relevant topics, such as secure design, security reviews, and “soft skills” that are rarely written about.
NOTE: The third part of this book, which covers implementation vulnerabilities and mitigations, includes short excerpts of code written in either C or Python. Some examples assume familiarity with the concept of memory allocation, as well as an understanding of integer and floating-point types, including binary arithmetic. In a few places I use mathematical formulae, but nothing more than modulo and exponential arithmetic. Readers who find the code or math too technical or irrelevant should feel free to skip over these sections without fear of losing the thread of the overall narrative. References such as man(1) are *nix (Unix family of operating systems) commands
and functions(3)
What Topics Does the Book Cover?
The book consists of 14 chapters organized into three parts, covering concepts, design, and implementation, plus a conclusion.
Part 1: Concepts
Chapters 1 through 5 provide a conceptual basis for the rest of book. Chapter 1, Foundations, is an overview of information security and privacy fundamentals. Chapter 2, Threats, introduces threat modeling, fleshing out the core concepts of attack surfaces and trust boundaries in the context of protecting assets. The next three chapters introduce valuable tools available to readers for building secure software. Chapter 3, Mitigations, discusses commonly used strategies for defensively mitigating identified threats. Chapter 4, Patterns, presents a number of effective security design patterns, and flags some anti-patterns to avoid. Chapter 5, Cryptography, takes a toolbox approach to explaining how to use standard cryptographic libraries to mitigate common risks, without going into the underlying math (which is rarely needed in practice).
Part 2: Design
This part of the book represents perhaps its most unique and important contribution to prospective readers. Chapter 6, Secure Design, and Chapter 7, Security Design Reviews, offer guidance on secure software design and practical techniques for how to accomplish it, approaching the subject from the designer’s and reviewer’s perspectives, respectively. In the process, they explain why it’s important to bake security into software design from the beginning. These chapters draw on the ideas introduced in the first part of the book, offering specific methodologies for how to incorporate them to build a secure design. The review methodology is directly based on my industry experience, including a step-by-step process you can adapt to how you work. Consider browsing the sample design document in Appendix A while reading these chapters as an example of how to put these ideas into practice.
Part 3: Implementation
Chapters 8 through 13 cover security at the implementation stage and touch on deployment, operations, and end-of-life. Once you have a secure design, this part of the book explains how to develop software without introducing additional vulnerabilities. These chapters include snippets of code, illustrating both how vulnerabilities creep into code and how to avoid them. Chapter 8, Secure Programming, introduces the security challenge that programmers face, and what real vulnerabilities actually look like in code. Chapter 9, Low-Level Coding Flaws, covers the foibles of computer arithmetic and how C-style explicit management of dynamic memory allocation can undermine security. Chapter 10, Untrusted Input, and Chapter 11, Web Security, cover many of the commonplace bugs that have been well known for many years but just don’t seem to go away (such as injection, path traversal, XSS, and CSRF vulnerabilities). Chapter 12, Security Testing, covers the greatly underutilized practice of testing to ensure that your code is secure. Chapter 13, Secure Development Best Practices, rounds out the secure implementation guidance, covering some general best practices and providing cautionary warnings about common pitfalls.
The excerpts of code in this part of the book generally demonstrate vulnerabilities to be avoided, followed by patched versions that show how to make the code secure (labeled “vulnerable code” and “fixed code,” respectively). As such, the code herein is not intended to be copied for use in production software. Even the fixed code could have vulnerabilities in another context due to other issues, so you should not consider any code presented in this book to be guaranteed secure for any application.
The final chapter—Chapter 14Looking Ahead—is brief, because my crystal ball is cloudy. Here I summarize the key points made in the book, attempt to peer into the future, and offer speculative ideas that could help ratchet software security upward, beginning with a vision for how this book can contribute to more secure software going forward.
Appendix A is a sample design document that illustrates what security-aware design looks like in practice.
Appendix B is a glossary of software security terms that appear throughout the book.
Appendix C includes some open-ended exercises and questions that ambitious readers might enjoy researching.
In addition, a compilation of references to sources mentioned in the book can be found on the web, linked from
Good, Safe Fun
Before we get started, I’d like to add some important words of warning about being responsible with the security knowledge this book presents. In order to explain how to make software safe, I have had to describe how various vulnerabilities work, and how attackers potentially exploit them. Experimentation is a great way to hone skills from both the attack and defense perspectives, but it’s important to use this knowledge carefully.
Never play around by investigating security on production systems. When you read about cross-site scripting (XSS), for instance, you may be tempted to try browsing your favorite website with tricky URLs to see what happens. Please don’t. Even when done with the best of intentions, these explorations may look like real attacks to site administrators. It’s important to respect the possibility that others will interpret your actions as a threat—and, of course, you may be skirting the law in some countries. Use your common sense, including considering how your actions might be interpreted and the possibility of mistakes and unintended consequences, and err on the side of refraining. Instead, if you’d like to experiment with XSS, put up your own web server using fake data; you can then play around with this to your heart’s content.
Furthermore, while this book presents the best general advice I can offer based on many years of experience working on software security, no guidance is perfect or applicable in every conceivable context. Solutions mentioned herein are never “silver bullets”: they are suggestions, or examples of common approaches worth knowing about. Rely on your best judgment when assessing security decisions. No book can make these choices for you, but this book can help you get them right.
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